10.0.4 Patch Notes
The usage period of the rewards given within the scope of the event is limited to 7 days.
All characters who log in to Aarvad, Galia and Mantis servers until 31 March 2025 at 23:59(GMT+3) can benefit from the rewards!
Everyone who logs into the game!
Common, Rare, Epic, Unique XP Boost 2x
Mega HP&MP Potion x1000
Random Costume
Random Pet
Random Mount
Special Starter Rewards for New Accounts!
Extra gifts for new accounts opened after 27 February 2025 23:59(GMT+3):
3 Day Complete Premium
Common, Rare, Epic, Unique XP Boost 2x
Mega HP&MP Potion x1000
Random Costume
Random Pet
Random Mount
Regalia of Rage
Random 2x Matta
Random Cape
Random Wing
1+1 Event has been activated on all servers special for Ramadan. The event is active until level 84 and will continue until the end of Ramadan.
The Thunderbreath creature has been added to the centre area of the Death Valley map. This creature will spawn at random times between 09:00-10:00(GMT+3), 17:00-18:00(GMT+3) and 23:00-00:00(GMT+3).
Click for the drops and detailed information.
A Ramadan Drummer creature has been added to the Death Valley map centre area, which spawns every 60 minutes during the month of Ramadan. (There is a 50% chance of Ramadan Chest drobes. With Farm Premium, this rate is 100% and you can get Ramadan Cloak and Regalia of Ramadan items from the box for 3, 7, 10, 15 or 30 days). Click here for event details.
The daily Welcome Ramadan quest has been added to the Death Valley map. By completing the quest, you can obtain 2 non-tradable Pide items (Pide provides a 2% defence bonus for all weapons and classes).
The 50 Kill quest has been activated between 01:00 - 07:59(GMT+3) every day during Ramadan. You can do the quest between level 80-85, only in the Death Valley Centre area.
You can get Chest Of Development from the quest. The item is closed for trade.
Click here for box contents.
Click here for detailed information about the events.
The Ramadan Drummer creature has been added to the Narungard map.
The creature spawns every day at 23:00(GMT+3).
When the Ramadan Drummer is slain, all players within 50 metres will receive EXP rewards according to their level range.
The spawn location is the area where you cross the bridge in the base zone.
1-60 = %100
61-65 = %70
66-70 = %40
71-75 = %30
76-80 = %20
81-83 = %15
84-85 = %10
A common Death Valley structure has been established with all servers. Common Death Valley days and times will be shared in the coming days.
Arden Valley map has been updated.
Drop Acquisition feature has been activated on the Arden Valley map.
The monument on the map respawns at 2 hour intervals.
‘Gor'Khan and Frosthorn’ bosses are spawned from the monument, which are also on the Death Valley map.
‘Stab the enemy with an arrow’ ability has been added to the Archer class. (It will be edited to be unlocked with the Skill book in the next update).
A section has been added to the Character info section where you can view your character's Craft/Gathering class bonuses.
UI locking option has been added to the game. After changing the UI positions, you can lock it to keep it fixed. ( Settings --> Gameplay Settings --> ‘UI Drag Drop Locked’ )
Event login warning screen has been added.
If your login to the event is successful, the text in the image below will appear on your screen.
If you cannot log in, an error message about why you cannot log in will appear on the screen.
5v5 Titan's Arena drops have been updated.
Castle Defence war and Titan's Arena will be announced on the opening date ‘03/03/2025’.
The creature in Titan's Arena will respawn 72 hours after being slain.
To participate in the event, press the ‘H’ key, enter the ‘Dungeon & Raids’ section and select the ‘Clan Dungeon’ option.
You can then select the ‘Titan's Arena’ option on the left menu. You can check the updated drops from the relevant page.
There are 5 Base zones on the map and each clan has its own Base zone.
There is a crystal in front of each clan's Base zone. When this crystal is destroyed, all users in that clan die on the map, fall to Base and lose 1 point of their death rights.
The number of times a clan can lose its crystal is 3. When the 3rd loss occurs, that clan is kicked out of the room and cannot re-enter for 5 hours.
The first 5 clans in rank order (regardless of race) can participate in the event.
Click here for event details.
New costumes have been added to the store.
Click here for more detailed photos.
Due to the error in the patch, we recommend that our players who experience FPS drop / drop, turn off the ‘Shadow Quality’ option from the settings section in the game. This error will be resolved as soon as possible.
1) NPC, ally and enemy target decals have been edited.
2) The amount of XP in the 61-79 level range has been adjusted. Click for detailed XP Table.
3) You can only enter 1 clan dungeon from one account. Entry from side characters is blocked due to abuse.
4) The spawn area of the Dire Troll creature on the Protean and Lunaskar Kingdom maps has been reduced.
5) Work has begun on fishing and gathering speeds in professions. The speed bonus (speed %) will be based on your unit speed and will work like the examples below.
If you have a 50% speed bonus, you will be able to collect a material that you collect in 10 seconds in 8 seconds, and if you have a 100% speed bonus, you will be able to collect it in 5 seconds.
In this way, both the limit on bonuses will be removed (you will be able to access bonuses such as 200% in the future) and it will work more accurately and effectively.
With this patch, you may feel a slowdown compared to your old collection speed, but this is the first step of a healthy system, and the rest of the structure will be shaped in a way that players will be minimally affected so that players can better see the bonus effects and create more usage areas in the game. Detailed information will be shared in the coming days.
6) The durability of the Demones creature has been increased.
7) The probability of success system for Lightning abilities in all classes has been changed. The higher the Lightning Damage of the user, the higher the stun probability, while the higher the Lightning Resistance of the target character, the lower the stun probability.
8) Fixed the field bug in the Explosive Bolt ability.
9) In Celestial, Golden Jade and Glory Chest missions, the number of kills differing by class has been removed and updated equally for all classes.
10) The amount of Gold and Accessory Shard required when upgrading +5 jewellery has been reduced by making it equal to +4.
11) The effect of the Priest Invincible ability has been changed.
12) In the Archer class, after Penta and Tripple Shot abilities, the use of abilities with Cooldown (cd duration over 0.1) has been activated.
13) Improvements were made in the visibility distances of character names.
14) Fixed the time problem in daily quests (Quest Wheel). (Duration of all quests has been updated to 4 hours)
15) Fixed an error with mouse scrolling on the Lucky Draw participation screen.
16) Fixed problems with error messages in the game.
17) Fixed a problem with creatures teleporting to different coordinates after spawning.
18) Fixed a weapon disappearance issue with the Warrior ‘Spectral Spear’ and Rogue ‘Shuriken’ abilities.
19) Fixed an issue where the skill and jump combination would move to a position further away from where it should be.
20) Death Match map size has been revised, map size has been reduced.
21) The Gear Score issue with Celestial jewellery has been fixed.
22) The problem of some costumes in the store not giving bonuses has been fixed.
23) Bonuses on NFT skins have been adjusted.
HP bonus 225 --> 275
Defance bonus 30 --> 35
24) The daily Player Kill missions on the Death Valley map have been restored. The weapon requirement continues.(Example: counting the number of kills received as an archer and the number received as an assassin separately)
25) The level limit for +4 +5 jewellery has been removed.
26) Fixed a bug in the distribution of Iron Thorn creature slots on Haddar and Hagard maps.
27) The number of Pine Tree materials on the Hagard map, the number of Oak Tree materials on the Dorion map, the Tomato collection time, the number of Sandstones and the respawn time, the number of Boar and Wolf materials on the Hagard map, and the number of Bear, Tiger, Leopard, Elephant materials on the Death Valley map have been corrected.
28) A study on fishing speed in occupations was carried out and errors were eliminated.
29) The craft time issue on maps has been fixed.
30) Fixed the issue where bonuses from rank symbols did not appear in the character info.
31) The animation of HP/MP life values has been accelerated.
32) Voice Chat system is under maintenance. It is hidden from the Party image.
33) Fixed an issue where the mage escape ability could not be used when party blocking.
34) Fixed the blue marlin fish feature not working.
35) With Elite premium, the problem of listing more than 8 items has been fixed.
36) Fixed the issue where the Warrior blink ability could not be used on the character with party block active.
37) Unused Max Weight, Int Bonus, Cursed Resistance and MP Bonus features have been removed from the Rune Upgrade system. From now on, these features will no longer be available when the rune is upgraded.
38)Spin Key purchased with coins from the store, the purchase of 10 at a time has been activated. (The limit of 30 spins per day is still valid.)
39) The number of creature kills required for quests in the Haddar/Hagard Castle areas has been adjusted.
Defeat Mountain Harpies 40 --> 20
Defeat Vampiric Bats 40 --> 20
Defeat Black Mummies 40 --> 20
Defeat Stingers 40 --> 20
Defeat Lizardmen 40 --> 20
Defeat Cunning Harpies 50 --> 20
Defeat Overseers 50 --> 20
Defeat Venom Golems 50 --> 20
Defeat Crimson Harpie 50 --> 20
Defeat Graveguards 50 --> 20
Defeat Gravecrawlers 50 --> 20
Runic Golems 50 --> 20
Defeat Tyrants 50 --> 20
Defeat Undead Kings 60 --> 20
Defeat Archdemon 60 --> 5
Sweeping Magicians 40 --> 20
Sweeping Harpies 20/20/20 --> 10/10/10
Sweeping Undeads 30/30 --> 15/15
Xayroth 120 --> 40
Sweeping Hellforces 1/50/50 --> 1/20/20
Sweeping Mythical Creatures 2/60/60 --> 1/20/20
Defeat Devourer 50 --> 20
Defeat Spiderwoman 50 --> 20

9.5.0 Patch Notes

9.4.0 Patch Notes
9.4.0 Patch Notes

9.3.1 Patch Notes
9.3.1 Patch Notes

9.2.3 Mini Patch Notes
9.2.3 Mini Patch Notes