6.0.0 Patch Notes

6.0.0 Patch Notes


What's new

*Spin System has been activated.(Click for details)
*Clan buildings and clan boss have been activated. (Click for details) (Click for details)
*Regalia of Spirit item has been added to the Glory menu on the market (Mage class item, Price: 70.000.000)

*Jewelry upgrade system has been activated. (Click for details)
- Accessory Shard exchange will be added to Crafting > Others recipes in the next patch.
-(10x Rare Accessory Shard = 1x Epic Accessory Shard) - Jewel Crafting Lv20 is required for trade.
-(10x Epic Accessory Shard = 1x Unique Accessory Shard) - Jewel Crafting Lv30 is required for trade.
-Due to the jewelry update, AH has been closed to purchase for 12 hours so that players who already have items on sale in AH are not adversely affected and can withdraw their current sales within the time limit. Tax rate updated to 0.

*Item Locking system has been activated;
-Character menu - You can take action from Item Locking.
-Premium is required to lock and unlock items.
-It charges 1,000,000 Coins to lock the item. Unlocking is free.
-You need to use the Two factor(two-step verification) in your account to lock the item.

*Added repeatable counter-race kill quest on the Death Valley map;

-Lv84 and higher players can do the task.
-The task will be available between 19:00/02:00 Turkish time.
-Quest is done every 24 hours.
-You can get the quest again 9 hours after surrendering it.
-You will receive the Chest of Glory item as a quest reward. (This item is closed to barter and market transactions.)
-The items in the list below have been activated. You can have these rare items added to the game with a very low rate by breaking the Chest of Glory box you obtained from the 50 kill mission.
Soulburner (+1)
Angelic Sword (+1)
Sword of Terror (+1)
Emperor (+1)
Dragon Slayer (+1)
Ax of Miracle (+1)
Maelstrom (+1)
Ancient Sledgehammer (+1)
Vanquisher (+1)
Reaper (+1)
Shield of the King (+1)
Penetrator (+1)
Razu's Staff (+1)
Sermon's Scepter (+1)

*The ability to quickly send a private message to the player from within the self merchant with the help of a button has been added.
*Added an option to the gameplay to turn off the minimap.
*Rune system will be activated with next patch.

Ability updates

* Mage's Soulburn, Freezing M., Thunderstruck, Scorching Spray, Lightning Spray and Ice Spray, Fire Surge, Ice Surge, and Lightning Surge's damage have been increased.
*Mage Fast as Lightning ability's teleport range has been reduced.
* Reduced the bounce probability of the Archer class's Critical Bolt, Astral Shot, and Critical Bolt abilities.
*Archer Astral Shot damage increased.
*Priest Keen Strike damage slightly increased (not including Monster damage).
*The reuse time of the Rogue class's Hunter's Insight ability has been updated to 55 seconds. The ability's active time has been updated to 12 seconds.
*Rogue Confuse ability range has been updated to 5 meters.
*Mage Blinding skill has been updated to level 74.
*The active time of the TP Block Ability has been updated to 10 seconds.
*Priest Invisible Curtain's active time has been updated to 30 seconds.
*Adjusted to reduce the healing and energy gain of Priest Missing Recovery by 30%. The active time has been adjusted to 30 seconds.
*Fixed the crash physics of the Priest shield ability.
*Updated the HP of Priest Vital Touch ability to 750.
*Priest Healing Circle's area covered and health regen rate updated to 700.
*Priest/Heal/Miracle ability recast time has been updated to 40 seconds.
*Priest Prophecy's cast range has been reduced to 10 meters and the mana required to cast has been updated to 600.
* Increased the poison damage of Mage Fire Trail ability.
*Updated Higher Magic ability cast (same cast as Magic Boost) and adjusted magic attack increase to 20%.
*Fixed the issue where the Triple shot and Penta shot abilities of the Archer Class were touching from a distance. Reduced range of effect.

Profession Regulations

*Adjusted for Rare Gems(Click for details)
The probability of obtaining especially S-A-B Tier rare gems from reward chests has been reduced.
* Arrangements have been made for Weapon Production (Click for details)
*Arrangements have been made for Jewelry Production (Click for details)

General updates

*General adjustments have been made to the ratio of abilities with slowdown and lockdown effects.
*The macro captcha system has been removed due to players misusing the reporting system on the Death Valley map. Only authorized GMs will be able to operate on this map.
*To turn off the notification message of Trigger abilities that appears on the screen, the option to turn off has been added to the Gameplay section.
*Work has been done on the casting failed issue that occurred after the Priest class took damage.
*Epic Upgrade Scroll price has been updated to 700,000 coins.
*Common Upgrade Scroll price has been updated to 30,000 coins.
*New Regalia items have been prepared for Clan Tournament and 1vs1 tournament champions.
*The icons of the upgrade scrolls have been changed.
*Royal Chest and Gold Chest drops have been updated.
*The epic upgrade scroll drop on Xayroth-Grimreaper creatures has been updated to cover all epic scrolls.
*DeathValley Flame Rock GoldenSnake-Vixen-Falchion drop rate has been slightly increased.
*DeathValley BlackMummy Ancient Weapon drop rate has been slightly increased.
*DeathValley Diviner Ancient Weapon drop rate slightly increased.
*The unique jewelry drop rate of DeathValley Centaur Chieftain, Lizard Dragon, Cobra King, Overlord, Bloodspiller, Phoenix and Spider Queen bosses has been slightly increased. (Includes DV map only)
*Haddar-Hagard Stinger, Vampric bat and Black Mummy coin drop amount has been reduced.
* Reduced the amount of Protean-Lunaskar Kingdom Gorgon,Barbarian,Barbarian Orc,Snake queen SoothSlayer coin drop.
*Captcha sending has been disabled on the Death Valley Map.
*Repeatable dungeon challenges have been updated to be doable on any difficulty.
*Fixed the issue with the Visit Alexia quest.
*Fixed the wrong number of speed scrolls in the Obtain Starter pack quest.
*Experience limit updated to 400% below level 60 and 300% above level 60.
*Fixed a bug where the poison ability of the Harpy class creatures did not break the Assassin class invisibility.
*Fixed the problem of not getting a 3-letter name after using the Name Change Scroll.
* Fixed the issue where "Arrow" would not pass over a dead player.
*Worked on spawning in the next room when you get a group dungeon crash.
* Worked on the bug that dungeon creatures follow on the ground after they die.
*Updated the texting time from the Global Chat Window to 30 seconds.
*The problem of getting messages even though the global chat is turned off has been fixed.
*Fixed the FPS drop issue when the Global Chat Window is opened.
*Fixed the issue of player name appearing on the Mount Race map.
*The "Freezing Bolt" skill has been disabled on the Mount Race map until the next update.
*Fixed the problem of writing items by projecting items on the mount race map.
*Fixed the Private Message system issue in Auction House.
*Passed the Dungeon material "Missing Mechanical Part" into Bag Expansion.
*The health of the crystals in the CFW map has been adjusted according to level 85.
*Added area damage abilities to Gor'Khan and Frosthorn creeps. A visual warning will be visible 3 seconds before the ability is used.
*Fixed the issue where items on sale were appearing double on Auction house.
*Fixed the issue of not taking town when "Arrow" ends while R.O.W Assistant is running.
* Adjusted the difficulty level to appear in the dungeon window when you search for a dungeon.
* Removed the "kick from clan" button from the player info system.
*The close friendship color problem that occurs when you PM your friend from the friendship list has been fixed.
*When you want to sell items to NPC while the ability is assigned to mouse right click, using ability with right click is turned off.
* Fixed being able to press upgrade again before the animation ends when the Item Preview is done in the Upgrade system.
*Work has been done on the party white icon problem in events.
*Professional names and foraging names in the Character tab have been temporarily removed.

*Premium Arrangements;

Elite Premium:

Gathering XP Bonus 10%
Gathering Speed Bonus 10%
Crafting XP Bonus 10%
Crafting Speed Bonus 10%

Royal Premium:
Gathering XP Bonus 20%
Gathering Speed Bonus 20%
Crafting XP Bonus 20%
Crafting Speed Bonus 20%

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