10.0.1 Patch Notes
1- The issue with the distribution of creature slots has been resolved.
2- Work has been done to address the problem of the Archer class being unable to deal damage after a certain period.
3- The issue of the background remaining gray after clearing the search field in the bank's search section has been resolved.
4- Work has been done to address the issue where mana regeneration was not updating in the Party tab.
5- The maximum number of items that can be crafted in the Craft section has been limited to 999.
6- The issue with NFT costumes reflecting incorrect GearScore values has been resolved.
7- The issue where non-premium characters could continue gathering items without waiting has been resolved.
8- The problem where kills made by a party member were not counting towards kill-based quests in the Death Valley map has been resolved.
9- If your weight capacity is insufficient, you will now receive an error message while gathering.
10- The issue where the "Dorion Sigil" obtained from Quest Wheel and the "Dorion Sigil" from the DV Kill quest would not stack has been resolved.
- Players with these two separate items can now stack them by dragging one onto the other in their inventory.
11- The Deathmatch event's class selection system has been updated.
- It has been adjusted so that after playing each of the four classes once, you can reselect the first class you played.
12- The issue where "Item Bonus" properties were displayed incorrectly on some items has been resolved.
13- The problem of Runic Golems in Hagard/Haddar slots not moving has been resolved.
14- A new section has been added where you can view how bonuses from Premium, Grandmaster, and other additional items affect crafting speed, experience points, and cooldown times.
15- The respawn issue of the Manticlaw creature has been resolved.
16- The issue with the reward for Dynamic Wheel Solo Quest 10 has been resolved.
17- The graphical error in the Darkness Cavern dungeon when the Effect Quality is set to "Low" has been fixed.
18- The issue where the icon of characters with zero weapon durability did not appear in the party has been resolved.
19- The problem where shopping and market restrictions remained in place after entering the Inferno event but not being matched has been fixed.
20- Spelling errors in Premium features have been corrected.
21- The issue where the effects of "Asparagus with Poached Egg" and "Delicious Poached Egg" items were not working has been fixed.
22- The problem where clicking on the item price in A.H (Auction House) did not allow you to select the item has been resolved.
23- The error preventing Boar and Wolf from being collected with the Enhanced gathering tool in Hagard has been fixed.
24- The issue with Stoneblock, Marble, and Granite trades has been resolved.
25- As mentioned in the previous patch, the rates for Superior and Superior Exalted have been corrected to 65%.
26- An adjustment will be made in the next patch for the old Scrap Fabric, Leather, and Metal items that remained open for trade.
27- Due to the increased cotton (Cotton Fiber) demand caused by the castle battle brought to Narungard, cotton has been added to the Protean and Lunaskar Kingdoms.
28- The issue with the collection area of the Ancient Bush gathering item has been corrected.
29- The XP and crafting time errors in armors have been fixed.
30- The incorrect XP value for crafting Zucchini with Sauce (Lv36) has been corrected.
31- Although the number of gathering items in Death Valley was increased in the previous patch, difficulties in gathering due to the wide distribution of these items were noticed. As a result, the number of items for each profession in this map has been increased by 25% to 50%.
32- The icons for Delicious prefix food items have been adjusted to make item quantities more readable.
33- The issue with the gathering time of the Onion item in Death Valley has been fixed.
34- The problem where the XMas Tree could only be gathered with the "Common Wood Axe" has been resolved.

9.5.0 Patch Notes

9.4.0 Patch Notes
9.4.0 Patch Notes

9.3.1 Patch Notes
9.3.1 Patch Notes

9.2.3 Mini Patch Notes
9.2.3 Mini Patch Notes