Semester Celebrations Begin at Rise Online World!
Rise Online'da Sömestr Kutlamaları Başlıyor!
Xmas Bingo! Event
You can use the bingo numbers you get from the snowmen by right-clicking them.
If you have this number on your card, it will be marked automatically, you cannot use the numbers that are not on your card in another field. You can trash it.
Each account can have 1 Bingo card. With each bingo card, you will be able to make 3 zincs and win 3 different rewards (10x HP, P.Def and Heroism Scroll).
Every user who makes bingo is entitled to buy a ticket to participate in the big draw. You can buy the ticket for 10 M. When you buy a ticket, the system will generate a ticket number for you.
Grand Sweepstakes Prizes;
1. Gaming PC
2. Gaming Monitor
3-10. Gaming Keyboard & Mouse Set
10-20. Gaming Headset
20-50. 4,140 Rise Cash
Rise Online'da Sömestr Kutlamaları Başlıyor!
Kış Mevsimi - 1vs1 Assasin Turnuvası Başlıyor!
Xmas Snowman Etkinliği
Xmas Santa Claus Etkinliği
Xmas PvP Etkinliği
Kış Mevsimi - 1vs1 Assasin Turnuvası Başlıyor!
Yeteneklerini nasıl kullandığını herkese göster, ödülü kazan!
Savaşa katıl! Irkını yükselt!
Şansına Güveniyor Musun? Lucky Draw Event!
Are you ready to be the King of Duel? All the details of our new event, King of Duel, are in this article!