Rise Online World Alpha 1.0 Announcement

Rise Online World Alpha 1.0 Announcement


Dear ROW followers,

The day has come. We're finally done with security system, and got good results with the latest security tests. It's crucial to serve a game with minimum problems, that's why we kept you a little waiting.

We are planning to increase the number of alpha testers/players day by day after the first feedbacks and instant improvements.*

Do not forget that we're still in alpha process, and there is a high possibility to see a lot of problems. There will be an in game ticket system where you can report bugs. Our first goal is to see our server capacity and collect as many as reports. Reported bugs and problems will be fixed as soon as possible.

We are happy to announce that 1st Alpha test group will be able to play the game at 21:00 (GMT +3) on December 16, 2020.

We hope you enjoy Alpha!

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